Hello, August!
If you have children, they are probably getting ready to go back to school. (Where did the summer go?!) If you live in a neighborhood like mine, you should probably consider starting to stock up on your Halloween candy. (We get more than 500+ trick-or-treaters a year.)

My husband and I love listening to comedy routines at night after dinner, and one of our favorite comedians is Nate Bargatze. He has a great bit where he and his wife are arguing over what the phrase “one fell swoop” really means. He calls it a “double digit year marital fight.” This idea, of trying to do things in “one fell swoop,” applies to many of my potential clients. Often, organizations want to know if they can raise $100K, or more, for their project in “one fell swoop.” The answer is pretty easy. It’s no.

If you are looking for a significant dollar amount, you will need to be open minded to the idea of a combination of grants, business loans, individual donors, fundraisers, and crowd funding campaigns.
In almost every case an organization must apply to multiple funding sources to complete its project. This is especially true if you are a newer organization. Ten thousand dollars is a great deal of money from a first-time Funder, as you are asking them to take a big leap of faith with you: that you will stay in business, that you will spend the funds appropriately, that you will have great results.
Always set realistic expectations for you and your organization; so that you don’t get disappointed or discouraged. The path to funding is a long game, and it can be helpful to keep that in mind.

August 9 – National Book Lovers Day (grants for libraries, schools).
August 12 – World Elephant Day (grants for animals).

August 17 – National Nonprofit Day (grants for all the wonderful nonprofits there are!).
August 25 – National Park Service Founders Day (grants for National Parks, trees).
I was looking up some fun facts about grants and Google got confused and gave me information about Ulysses S. Grant; so today we will all learn that his name was picked by his parents out of a hat.

In your application, if any required information or data is omitted, make sure you explain why. Don’t ever just leave something blank or unanswered.
Keep in touch with your Funder: send them an annual report; send them pictures and an anecdotal story or two; let them know how their funds are supporting your important work.
Exciting news from the Iowa West Foundation! They are making it easier than ever to apply for a grant. Some of their new rules include things such as:
Grantees can now:
- Submit a Letter of Inquiry anytime throughout the year.
- Utilize their organization’s own budget template + budget narrative (IWF will still have a template available)
- Apply three times per year (no longer limited to two of three cycles).
- Receive consecutive years of funding (no longer limited to six of eight years).
- Apply for a “launch” grant.
- Apply for more than one year of funding (when project success can be demonstrated).
- Get notified of funding decisions immediately following board approval.
- Receive a greater percentage of the grant disbursement up front if in good standing.
That is all for now! Stay hopeful and passionate!

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