Greetings news minded readers!
I hope you have at least one holiday gift purchased at this point, so you aren’t rushed at the end of the season. I don’t. I have a list, but no actual items yet. I am waiting for Will Ferrell as Elf to come and assist me while I sing Christmas songs out of tune.
Lately, I have been asked for the definition of certain grant and non-profit terms. I thought that I would provide a short list of some of those words for your information. Please reach out if you have questions or would like any further clarification!
501(c)3: The section of the tax code that defines nonprofit, charitable, tax-exempt organizations; 501(c)3 organizations are further defined as public charities, private operating foundations, and private non-operating foundations.
Corporate Foundation: A private foundation whose assets are derived primarily from the contributions of a for-profit business. While a company-sponsored foundation may maintain close ties with its parent company, it is an independent organization with its own endowment and as such is subject to the same rules and regulations as other private foundations. Also referred to as a company-sponsored foundation.
DUNS number: The Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System number, or “DUNS,” is a nine-digit figure given by Dun and Bradstreet to applicant organizations and serves as a means of identifying those organizations and businesses. DUN’s numbers are frequently (always) required on federal grant forms.
Family Foundation: An independent private foundation whose funds are derived from members of a single family. Family members often serve as officers or board members of family foundations and have a significant role in their grantmaking decisions.
Fiscal Agent Fee: A charge for administrative services by the organization acting as the fiscal agent. Fiscal agent fees are intended to offset the cost of personnel, time, and supplies used in the administration of the applicant’s grant only.
General/Operating Support: A grant made to further the general purpose or work of an organization, rather than for a specific purpose or project; also called an unrestricted grant or basic support.
Child Protection Safety Month
Native American Heritage Month
November 11 – Veteran’s Day
November 24 – Thanksgiving
November 26 – Small Business Saturday!
The most important parts of your grant application are: how the project will come to fruition
and how the gifted funds will make a difference.
You should never apply for a grant if your organization isn’t truly ready.
Call the Foundation before you send in an application and introduce your organization and the program you are applying for funding for. This will make your application stand out later!
Suzanne & Walter Scott Foundation
Omaha Award
The Foundation only accepts requests for funding through our online application system. Grant applications will be considered for general operations or program support that directly provides assistance through basic needs supports. Organizations are encouraged to contact foundation
staff with questions prior to submission.
- Food – meals, food and food production support
- Clothing/Personal Care items
- Shelter – emergency shelter, temporary or permanent supportive housing, critical repairs/updates to existing owner-occupied properties
- Health – access and charitable care for low to moderate income households
Grant Amount
The maximum grant that will be considered is $50,000.
Applications are accepted from January 1st through October 1st of each year and reviewed on an ongoing basis. It is recommended that organizations submit early in the year. Funding is limited and requests will be considered in the order they are received. Site visits or meetings
may be required.
Keep following along and engaging with our new social media accounts! We have some festive posts planned for November!

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